SMBC Group SMBC Group

Risks relating to investment advisory contracts and discretionary investment management contracts

Financial products and financial derivatives products invested in under discretionary investment management contracts or those products advised to invest in under investment advisory contracts may incur losses resulting from changes in the market indices of those products, interest rates, foreign exchange rates or other indicators in financial instruments markets.
Factors subject to change include: risk of fluctuations in prices of marketable securities, etc.; risk of fluctuations in interest rates and financial markets; liquidity risks, etc., such as the inability to execute a transaction under conditions of sufficient liquidity, credit risk of issuers, etc.; and with regards to investments denominated in a foreign currency, foreign exchange rate risk, etc.
Accordingly, the client's investment principal amount is not guaranteed. A decline in the value of financial instruments, etc., could cause a loss of principal.

Fees, etc., relating to investment advisory contracts and discretionary investment management contracts

【Investment Management Fees】

To a client, management fee under an investment advisory contract or a discretionary investment management contract is to be agreed individually upon completion of the contracts.
Under certain contracts, a performance fee is applicable.
These fees, to be agreed individually, cannot be specified beforehand.

Total Asset Under Management
Investment Management Fees
For portion of Aggregate Net Asset Value equal to or less than JPY 100 million
For portion of Aggregate Net Asset Value over JPY 100 million to equal to or less than JPY 500 million
For portion of Aggregate Net Asset Value over JPY 500 million

[Including Consumption tax]

【Other fees, etc.】

With regard to charges and commissions other than management fees, there may be variable additional costs incurred, including sales commissions, operational fees for investment trust funds and other applicable charges.
There may be other costs incurred depending on the specifics of contracts, including variable costs by investment performance or costs determined by trust banks.

The total costs can not be specified beforehand due to the aforementioned reasons.


The risks, fees, and such other items mentioned above vary according to details of contracts, investment conditions, etc. Investors should beforehand confirm all relevant items through reading documents prior to the conclusion of a contract for discretionary investment management or investment advisory.


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